
The New York Times: Hundreds of Start-Ups Tell Investors: Diversify, or Keep Your Money

SAN FRANCISCO — When Trevor McFedries set out last year to raise money for Brud, his robotics and artificial intelligence start-up, he found himself in many meetings with “a ton of white guy” venture capitalists...


Tech Founders Unite to Pressure VCs to Embrace Diversity

Some tech founders and executives united in a sort of coalition called Founders for Change, by committing to embrace diversity in their company, as well as by setting as a condition to accept venture capital that the prospect investor also diversify its ranks by gender and race...


Geekwire: Why entrepreneurs and investors are participating in the ‘Founders for Change’ diversity movement

Startup founders want venture capital firms to step it up when it comes to diversity.

More than 500 venture-backed entrepreneurs are part of a new initiative called Founders for Change...


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